INFO ASP . NET gives 'Unable to open registry key' or 'Disk or network' error

Article # 5485

The information in this article applies to this particular SalesCart Product(s): 

When adding an item to the cart, this error occurs: Could not open data connection. Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xd1c Thread 0x378 DBC 0x4f68c4 Jet'. The Invalid ConnectionString is defined as: DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=something.mdb; When using a DSN, you get a different error: Could not open data connection. Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network error.

You have not configured ASP.NET correctly on the server. This issue can be caused by a variety of permissions issues or the installation of .NET has been performed incorrectly.

Please KB Q5432 for General Guidelines on Installing .NET. Insure that the Users group and the IUSR has permission the .mdb database as well as the folder containing the database. The most common cause of this configuration error is that the Everyone Group does not have Modify permission the ASPNET /temp folder or /temp, /tmp system folder. These folders are set in the environment and the system writes .tmp files into these folders. If it cannot write these files, it will give this error. Modify these permissions accordingly or contact Microsoft Technical support for instructions on how to configure and run ASP.NET

This is an error indicated that ASP.NET is not installed or configured correctly.

3rd Party software issue.


Additional Query Words:, asp,Unable to open registry key,Disk or network,Could not open data connection,General Error,0x4f68c4,Jet,Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN

Active/inactive: Active