INFO Order Management Plugin: Display only last four digits of credit card number in invoices and packing slips

Article # 5359 Print Article Print Article

The information in this article applies to this particular SalesCart Product(s): 

You wish to display only the last four digits of the credit card in the invoices and packing slips in the Order Management Plugin.

This is an informational article on how to modify the Order Management Plugin to show only the last four digits of the credit card number in the invoices and packing slips.


Dreamweaver Version:

Find the following line in 3_po.asp:


and replace with:

"************" & Right(Billto.Fields.Item("CardNumber").Value,4)

FrontPage Version:

("************" & Right(fp_rs("CardNumber").Value,4))

Perform the same changes for 3_po_bw.asp, 3_pack.asp, and 3_pack_bw.asp.

You wish to display only the last four digits of the credit card in the invoices and packing slips in the Order Management Plugin.

This is an informational article on how to modify the Order Management to display the last four digits on the credit card number in invoices and packing slips.

No references

Additional Query Words: credit card, four, digits, order, management

Active/inactive: Active

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  Last modified: Thursday May 29, 2014