PRB How to replace Your Shopping Cart is Empty! message with custom html page

Article # 5327 Print Article Print Article

The information in this article applies to this particular SalesCart Product(s): 

This is an informational article on how to replace the default message that gets displayed with an empty shopping cart.

The message is by design. This article explains how you can replace the message with your own custom page.

Open view1.php and find the following line:

echo("Your Shopping Cart is Empty!");

Replace with:

echo("<META http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=custompage.htm'>");

Replace custompage.htm with the name and location of your custom html page for an empty shopping cart.

This is an informational article on how to replace the default message that gets displayed with an empty shopping cart.

This is an informational article.

No references

Additional Query Words: replace, Your Shopping Cart is Empty!, custom, page

Active/inactive: Active
 William Cheung

* If you have an older version of SalesCart Standard, PRO, SQL and didn't find what you are looking for try the FAQ's archive. Click here!

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  Last modified: Thursday May 29, 2014