INFO How to use one SQL Server database to store sales from multiple stores

Article # 5306 Print Article Print Article

The information in this article applies to this particular SalesCart Product(s): 

You would like to create multiple SalesCart SQL websites, but use one SQL Server database to store all sales.

This is an informational article on how to use one SQL Server database to store sales from multiple stores.

Create the SalesCart SQL Server database on a single machine. Create the SalesCart SQL sites on the same machine or on different machines. For each SalesCart SQL site, create a DSN that will point to the central SQL Server database.

You would like to create multiple SalesCart SQL websites, but use one SQL Server database to store all sales.

This is an informational article on how to use one SQL Server database to store sales from multiple stores.

No references

Additional Query Words: central database

Active/inactive: Active
 William Cheung

* If you have an older version of SalesCart Standard, PRO, SQL and didn't find what you are looking for try the FAQ's archive. Click here!

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  Last modified: Thursday May 29, 2014