INFO SalesCart / FrontPage /fpdb folder security

Article # 5077 Print Article Print Article

The information in this article applies to this particular SalesCart Product(s): 


If I visit, I am able to download the order database.

Is this a security issue in SalesCart? No.

All SalesCart users should make themselves aware of the security issues of FrontPage databases. With SalesCart on FrontPage, the Security for the Shopping Cart Database lies 100% in the control of and responsibility of the Merchant. These settings are completely within the control of the FrontPage user with FrontPage connected to their Live Web site.


This is a security issue caused from incorrect security settings on the Microsoft Internet Information Web Server where SalesCart is running. If this is occurring on your Web site, then you have mismanaged your security obligations or your ISP or service provider has during the deployment of your FrontPage Web site.

The installation and deployment of the SalesCart shop.mdb database is discussed in the SalesCart manuals but specifically in the Getting Started section of the manual specifically on page 35 of the SalesCart 2.0 manual and page 72 of the SalesCart PRO manual. The SalesCart 2.0 manual is reproduced here:

Changing Permissions

To change the permissions of a folder, right-click on the folder and select Properties. The properties dialog box will appear for the folder selected.

  1. For the cgi-bin and mall folders only, make sure that all three boxes are checked. If only two boxes appear, then your ISP has not given you the ability to download executable's and you must contact your ISP for more permissions.

  2. For the fpdb folder only, check only the Allow programs to be run and Allow scripts to be run boxes. Leave the Allow files to be browsed box unchecked to prevent unauthorized access to your orders.

  3. After applying the appropriate changes, click OK

Note: If you check the "Allow files to be browsed" box for the /fpdb, the security of your orders can be compromised. Double check to make sure it is unchecked before continuing.

How Do I test to see if this is occurring on my Web site?

Simply point your browser to your website shop.mdb at If you get this message:

HTTP Error 403

403.2 Forbidden: Read Access Forbidden

This error can be caused if there is no default page available and directory browsing has not been enabled for the directory, or if you are trying to display an HTML page that resides in a directory marked for Execute or Script permissions only.

Please contact the Web server's administrator if the problem persists.

If you get this message, then the security settings are correct. If you don't, then your browser will download the database. Unless you have protected it with a password which is an additional secondary security setting supported by SalesCart, the database can be downloaded, opened, and compromised.

How Do I keep this from happening?

First, read the SalesCart manual! Specifically, the Getting Started section of the manual where the procedures to secure this FrontPage database is thoroughly discussed as a part of installing, deploying and running SalesCart.

As an alternative to the FrontPage methods for securing this database, you may also do this directly from the Microsoft IIS Management Console. Simply, click on the properties for the /fpdb folder and ensure the security settings are as follows:

NOTE: Read is Unchecked for the Virtual Server Access Permissions.

Incorrect Microsoft FrontPage or Microsoft IIS settings in /fpdb folder can allow a malicious download of the shopping cart database

This is a none issue with Microsoft FrontPage databases on Microsoft IIS.


Additional Query Words: security, fpdb security, securing folders, folder security, database secure, mdb security

Active/inactive: Active

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  Last modified: Thursday May 29, 2014